Δείτε τη Πλήρη Έκδοση : Συνέντευξη Scott Porter (FridayNightLights - Speed Racing)

8 Αυγούστου 2007, 14:18
Ο Scott Porter, γνωστός και ως Jason Street από τη σειρά Friday Night Lights, έδωσε μια ενδιαφέρουσα συνέντευξη, όπου μιλάει για τη 2η σεζόν του FNL αλλά και για το ρόλο του στην επερχόμενη ταινία Speed Racing(σκηνοθεσία από τους Wachowski Brothers).

Exclusive: Friday Night Lights and Speed Racing with Scott Porter
The Friday Night Lights star tells us about Season 2 and his role in the upcoming Speed Racer movie.
by Eric Goldman (http://tv.ign.com/email.html) http://media.ign.com/ign/images/readmyblog.gif (http://blogs.ign.com/EricGoldman-IGN/)

August 7, 2007 - It's been a busy year for Scott Porter. The actor has an integral role on what is easily one of the best series on television these days; NBC's incredible Friday Night Lights, on which he plays former high school quarterback Jason Street, who ended up taking a job as an assistant coach after an accident left him paralyzed. On top of that, Porter just spent his summer break from Lights filming roles in two upcoming movies; a new version of Prom Night, and the highly anticipated live-action film version of Speed Racer. Speed Racer is a very big project - The film is written and directed by the Wachowski Bros (The Matrix), and stars Emile Hirsch in the title role, and a supporting cast that includes Christina Ricci, Matthew Fox, John Goodman, Susan Sarandon, and Porter as Speed's brother, Rex Racer.

At the recent NBC TCA (Television Critics Association) party, shortly before Porter returned to Austin, Texas to begin filming Season 2 of Friday Night Lights, I spoke to the actor for IGN. The actor graciously delayed eating his dinner for a few minutes to chat, discussing what's to come on Lights; his role in Speed Racer; and what he's been buying at the comic book store lately - Among television stars, it's hard to find a comic book fan as dedicated as Porter.

IGN TV: Friday Night Lights obviously has so much critical support. When you come to an event like this, do you feel the love?

Scott Porter: We do! All night long. It really has a lot to do with the critics that we're even back. You know, any other show that would have had our ratings last year that we are aware of might have been thrown away, but we're really proud of what we do, and the critics have found it to be a quality show, and all the nominations and the awards, they mean the world to us. They really play a part in keeping us going, and we're really proud of it.

Scott Porter as Jason Street in Friday Night Lights

IGN TV: Can you talk about where we find Jason Street as the season begins?

Porter: Yeah. It's eight months after the end of the first season. Coach Taylor really has left. Tami really has had a baby. Jason really is an assistant coach with the Dillon Panthers. There's a new coach that comes in, and he's really heavy handed. He's a three-time title winner from Tennessee, who comes down and tries to take them to State again. It creates a rift between Jason and his friends who are still on the team, because he tells him, "You know, you can't be buddy-buddy with your friends anymore," so that's a tough spot. At the end of the second episode, you might see Jason begin to regain some feeling in parts of his body that he hadn't, and it really sends him on what promises to be a season-long arc about whether or not it's possible, and it's sometimes going to be maddening for Jason. So it's really going to be interesting to see where he ends up.

IGN TV: [Executive Producer] Jason Katims said your character might reconnect with Lyla and Tim a bit.

Porter: Yeah, I haven't read anything yet.

IGN TV: So that was news to you?

Porter: Well, it was news to me. We usually get our scripts a couple of days before [we film], and we really don't know what's coming until kind of the last minute. And then they hit us with a dozy, and it's always well written, and we hope we execute it properly. I'm really excited to get back and do scenes with Minka [Kelly]. She's a great actress, and I really enjoyed working with her last year. And I'd like to get some longer scenes with Riggins, which was taken away from me after episode three [in Season 1].

IGN TV: What is Jason's relationship like with this tough new coach?

Porter: Jason kind of bucks up and starts being a man and says, "Look, I know these players and I know this team better than you. Here's what I think." And the coach kind of comes back at him with, "You know what? I appreciate that you think that you know what you're doing, but this is my team, and you're an assistant coach. And another thing; you need to stop being friends with all your football playing buddies, because you're a coach now and you need to be authority." So it's gonna be interesting.

IGN TV: Are you done filming Speed Racer?

Porter: I am, yeah. I wrapped about two weeks ago. [Editor's Note: This interview was conducted on July 17th]

IGN TV: How was working on that?

Porter: It was amazing. It was my first time in Europe, so that was a bonus. And the Wachowskis are just amazing visionaries. It was a pleasure to work with them. The Matrix is one of my favorite movies of all time. Just to see how they work, and to work with Susan Sarandon and John Goodman and all those fantastic actors, it was just great. They're wonderful people behind the scenes and Speed Racer is going to be that movie that blows people's minds next year.

http://tvmedia.ign.com/tv/image/article/811/811232/friday-night-lights-20070807012938000.jpg - NBC

IGN TV: We know you play Rex. Can you talk a bit about the character?

Porter: Rex Racer is Speed Racer's older brother. He's kind of the inspiration for Speed. He teaches Speed how to drive. He's a record setter. He's an amazing racer, who unfortunately, starts to see kind of the corporate corruption in the sport of racing and how they're rigging races. These possibilities come up, and he really tries to play the good guy and he ends up getting caught in some trouble.

IGN TV: Since I know you're a fellow comic book geek, what are you reading these days?

Porter: Oh wow. My girlfriend just bought me the Planet Hulk hardcover for my birthday. It was one too many crossovers for me last year. I'm really looking forward to Annihilation: Conquest, the whole thing. I thought Annihilation was possibly the best written multi-comic book kind of crossover last year. It was excellent. All the characters I'd never cared about before, I started caring about. I just read the trade paperback number nine of Fables. I've been reading a lot of trades, because I was over in Berlin [filming Speed Racer], so Countdown was the only book I was able to keep up with over there.

IGN TV: My girlfriend is a huge Fables fan and has been pushing it on me.

Porter: You've gotta read 'em, man! Read through the first two trades. They're both a lot of exposition, but it falls into this great territory. Once they set it all up, it's just amazing.

Make sure to also check out Friday Night Lights executive producer Jason Katims' Season 2 revelations (http://tv.ign.com/articles/811/811254p1.html).

Friday Night Lights: Season 2 premieres Friday, October 5th at 9:00 pm ET/PT on NBC.

Speed Racer opens in theaters on May 9th, 2008.

Πηγή: IGN.COM (http://ign.com)

spyros13 gwf
8 Αυγούστου 2007, 17:20
Να σημειωσω οτι στο Speed Racer θα παιξει και ο Matthew Fox (Jack Shephard στο Lost).

8 Αυγούστου 2007, 17:22
Το λέει και μέσα...

The film is written and directed by the Wachowski Bros (The Matrix), and stars Emile Hirsch in the title role, and a supporting cast that includes Christina Ricci, Matthew Fox, John Goodman, Susan Sarandon, and Porter as Speed's brother, Rex Racer.

spyros13 gwf
8 Αυγούστου 2007, 17:30
Δεν το ειδα. My bad.

8 Αυγούστου 2007, 17:51
Όχι καλά έκανες και το επισήμανες ρε εσυ...
Απλά ήθελα να "διαφημίσω" λίγο και το άρθρο μπας και το διαβάσει κανείς, γιατί κατά 99% όποιος βλέπει τέτοιο τεράστιο κείμενο και μάλιστα στα αγγλικά λέει "δε βαριέσε..."